Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas in Santa Cruz

We spent christmas in santa cruz.
the weather was great, although a bit cold there. we had great meals and a fun time overall. The drive back was pretty windy, but we made it without any trouble.

sarah received a giraffe shaped tent, which she was very excited about.


gary received a squid shaped whisk, which he was very excited about.


we will need to have more animal shaped things in 2008, they seem to be lots of fun.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

There is more than one cat

I have posted previously about the "garage kitty" (here and here) who kind of lives in our garage. A while ago one of our neighbors let us know some people call her "Tiger" also.

But there are now more than one kitty in the garage. The little cat in the picture below showed up a few weeks ago. All the cats sleep on the blankets people put on their car hoods, as you can see. She is pretty small, we have started calling her "kitten kitty", not an overly creative name, but it works for us. There is also an orange cat who comes and goes, but he is pretty skittish, I have trouble getting a photo of him.

fyi - this is the 100th post we have made on the blog... i don't know if i thought this would last as long as it has. This is similar to a milestone for syndicating a tv show.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

the tree is up!

we got our Christmas tree put up over the weekend. here it is in all its glory. Fancy new LED lights also, we can leave them on all day and use less electricity than normal.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Videos from Sydney

I took some little video clips with my digital camera while i was in Sydney. Here are a couple to choose from.

We went to a little show which had a didgeridoo player. Kind of amazing, they use circular breathing to play pretty much as long as they want.

Lorikeets (parrots) making crazy sounds at night. We came out of a restaurant after dinner and heard this, deafening.

Tabitha and Gabriel know a few songs, with the choreography! Here they are performing on the train as we returned to Wahroonga from Sydney. I am looking forward to showing this to Gabriel's friends in future years.