Friday, December 30, 2005

Signed the docs

I signed all of the loan document yesterday... Finally.

It was all pretty uneventful, although I continually find it amazing how rendundant and unnecessary most of the documentation is. I think i signed 6 different individual documents whose sole purpose was to inform me that I have a variable rate loan and the payment will change after the initial term. Many trees lost their lives for this redundancy.

I signed the docs at an escrow company in Encino... in the 'valley'. All I can say is that I am pleased we did not buy anywhere near Encino. It was near nothing, was indistinguishable from any other suburb and was really run down. Yuck.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a safe and uneventful trip back to San Jose. Enjoy New Year's Eve thinking about and celebrating all that is changing in your lives!
Love, Auntie "M"