Saturday, December 23, 2006

New Windows!!!

We finally got replacement windows installed on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd. We had been wanting to do this from about the second night we stayed in our new place. The old windows were 24 years old, single pane and crappy. Since there is a fire station down the road from us, we would hear the fire engines roaring out of the station a couple times a night. Now all things are nice, energy efficient and quiet, most of all.

We used American Vision Windows. They did a great job. The installers were a lot of fun. Their ongoing joke to each other, when once was being slow, or lazy was to say "This is not the park!" (in a spanglish accent, and joking). Kinda funny.

The old windows. Ick, yuck. Leaky, lots of noise.

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When the windows were all taken out. It was cold in LA (60s) and the windows were basically out all day, and I froze while the installers will all there.

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Now the new windows all in!! Yippee! New windows are so much quieter and energy efficient than before.

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