Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Last night in L.A.

Our view from the balcony at the Farmers Daughter hotel in west Hollywood. Our last evening in town, we fly to Santa Cruz tomorrow. A great place, a
Wonderful dinner and a fabulous view. We are going to miss nights like these.

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Friday, July 09, 2010

The pieces are falling into place

Sarah returned from her trip to Pittsburgh triumphant! We have a great rental house in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood signed. Our rent is now 1/2 of what it is in LA, this seems like a bit of a plus in moving from the west coast.

We have had some challenges in finding day care for Claire in Pittsburgh. This has been a concern, since we have liked the daycare in LA so much. There are some promising signs though, one of the places we liked the best looks like it may have an opening, otherwise we may have to get a nanny for a while, or some other alternative.

We begin our packing tomorrow. Hopefully we will get a good start over the weekend... The movers show up on Tuesday morning.

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Bassinet occupants update

Bassinet occupants update
Originally uploaded by Minnaert.
Sarah's family has used this bassinet for a generation, each new occupant having their name written on the underside.

Long ago we blogged about this

We got around to adding Claire's name to the bottom. She seems to be the first of the next generation to use the bassinet, since there was a 14 year gap in occupants.